01 June 2023

Woodcab, the ideal alternative to extensions

We often look to extend our living space by adding an extension to our home. However, this can be expensive and requires planning permission. An alternative that is often overlooked, but which can offer many advantages, is the addition of an annexe in the garden.

Garden annexes are self-contained structures that can be installed without the need for planning permission in many cases. There are many advantages to this approach, for both customers and architects :

Flexibility of use

Firstly, a garden annexe can offer flexibility that a house extension does not. They can meet specific needs such as a space for teleworking, an artist’s studio, a sports room or even a guest bedroom. These structures can be easily customised to meet the needs and wishes of clients, which can add considerable value to the property.

A carefully considered choice of sustainable, environmentally-friendly materials

What’s more, at Woodcab, these are built using sustainable, environmentally-friendly materials. By choosing environmentally-friendly materials, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment.

Real savings

This also represents a considerable advantage in terms of budget. The construction and labour costs of workshop production are under control and lower than those of a traditional house extension project (particularly because of the weather, travel and the unknowns of the site).

In conclusion, placing a Woodcab in your home offers many advantages over traditional house extensions, including flexibility, durability and lower cost. We’re confident that more architects will be offering this solution to their clients in the future, as it’s so important to think about creating sustainable, personalised homes that meet the unique and changing needs of each client.